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KK74VHCT00D Hoja de datos - Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD

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6 Pages

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Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD 

Quad 2-Input NOR Gate

KK74VHCT00 is high-speed logic IC made by CMOS technology and designed for use in high-performance calculating systems with a wide supply voltage range.
As for operation speed, KK74VHCT00 can be compared with equivalent bipolar ICs based on Schottky TTL and two times surpasses ICs of KK74НС series.

• Supply voltage range 4.5 to 5.5 V.
• Output current 8 mA.
• Low consumption current: 0.2 mkA (typical value) at Та = 25 °С.
• Latchup current not less than 300 mA at Та = 85 °С.
• Tolerable value of static potential not less than 2000 V as per human body model (HBM) and not less than 200 V as per machine model (ММ).
• Ambient operation temperature minus 40 to plus 85 °С.
• Balanced signal propagation delay.
• Ensures voltage exceeding mode on input
• Low noise level at the simultaneous switching of outputs in the same state: VOLP = 0.8 V (max).
• For pins and functions, compatible with KK74HCT00.

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