International Rectifier
International Rectifier’s RAD HARD technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown voltage stability at total radiaition doses as high as 1x106 Rads(Si). Under identical pre- and post-irradiation test conditions, International Rectifier’s RAD HARD HEXFETs retain identical electrical specifications up to 1 x 105 Rads (Si) total dose. No compensation in gate drive circuitry is required. These devices are also capable of surviving transient ionization pulses as high as 1 x 1012 Rads (Si)/Sec, and return to normal operation within a few microseconds. Since the RAD HARD process utilizes International Rectifier’s patented HEXFET technology, the user can expect the highest quality and reliability in the industry.
RAD HARD HEXFET transistors also feature all of the well-established advantages of MOSFETs, such as voltage control, very fast switching, ease of paralleling and temperature stability of the electrical parameters. They are well-suited for applications such as switching power supplies, motor controls, inverters, choppers, audio amplifiers and high-energy pulse circuits in space and weapons environments.
■ Radiation Hardened up to 1 x 106 Rads (Si)
■ Single Event Burnout (SEB) Hardened
■ Single Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) Hardened
■ Gamma Dot (Flash X-Ray) Hardened
■ Neutron Tolerant
■ Identical Pre- and Post-Electrical Test Conditions
■ Repetitive Avalanche Rating
■ Dynamic dv/dt Rating
■ Simple Drive Requirements
■ Ease of Paralleling
■ Hermetically Sealed