Hittite Microwave
General Description
The HMC300LM1 is a broadband surface mount medium power amplifi er that operates between 25.5 and 33.5 GHz. A 0.25 um power pHEMT process is used to achieve effi cient gain and output power performance. High volume surface mount re-fl ow assembly techniques may be used to mount the amplifi er to the end user’s PCB. The LM1 package eliminates the need for wire bonding or die attach mounting. The amplifi er provides 15 dB of gain and +24 dBm of saturated output power across various microwave radio bands. This millimeter wave amplifi er requires no external RF matching components and minimal DC bypass components. The amplifi er operates from a +6V Vdd and a - 0.35V Vgg gate bias.
SMT mmWave Package
Gain > 15 dB
Broadband Performance
Saturated Output Power: +24 dBm
Positive Supply: +5V to +7V
Typical Applications
This amplifi er is ideal for use as a power amplifier
for 25.5 - 33.5 GHz applications:
• Microwave Radio