Hittite Microwave
General Description
The HMC247 is an Analog Phase Shifter die which is controlled via an analog control voltage from 0 to +10V. The HMC247 provides a continuously variable phase shift of 0 to 300 degrees at 9 GHz, and 0 to 100 degrees at 18 GHz, with consistent insertion loss versus phase shift. The phase shift is monotonic with respect to the control voltage. The control port has a modulation bandwidth of 50 MHz. The low insertion loss and compact size enable this part to be used in a wide range of applications, including the phase adjustment of clocks in fi ber optic systems and test equipment. All data is measured with the chip in a 50 ohm test fi xture, connected via 0.076 mm (3 mil) ribbon bonds of minimal length <0.31 mm (<12 mils).
Wide Bandwidth: 5 - 18 GHz
>400° Phase Shift
Single Positive Voltage Control
Small Size: 2.5mm x 1.6mm
Typical Applications
The HMC247 is ideal for:
• Fiber Optics
• Military
• Test Equipment