Harris Semiconductor
This family of IGBTs was designed for optimum performance in the demanding world of motor control operation as well as other high voltage switching applications. These devices demonstrate RUGGED performance capability when subjected to harsh SHORT CIRCUIT WITHSTAND TIME
(SCWT) conditions. The parts have ULTRAFAST (UFS) switching speed while the on-state conduction losses have been kept at a low level.
The electrical specifications include typical Turn-On and Turn-Off dv/dt ratings. These ratings and the Turn-On ratings include the effect of the diode in the test circuit (Figure 16). The data was obtained with the diode at the same TJas the IGBT under test.
• 40A, 600V TJ= 25oC
• 600V Switching SOA Capability
• Typical Fall Time at TJ= 150oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330ns
• Short Circuit Rating at TJ= 150oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10µs
• Low Conduction Loss