Hyundai Micro Electronics
The GMS81C4040/GMS87C4060 is an advanced CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 40K(60K) bytes of ROM. The device is one of GMS800 family. The HYUNDAI’s GMS81C4040/GMS87C4060 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many TV applications. The GMS81C4040/GMS87C4060 provides the following standard features: 40K(60K) bytes of ROM, 1,536 bytes of RAM, 8-bit timer/counter .
• 40K(60K) Bytes On-chip Program Memory
• 1,536 Bytes of On-chip Data RAM (Included 256 bytes stack memory)
• Instruction Cycle Time (ex:NOP)
- 0.5us at 8MHz
• 40 Programmable I/O pins
- 33 I/O and 7 Output pins
• Serial I/O : 8bit x 1ch
• I2C Bus interface
- Multimaster (2 Pairs interface pins)
• A/D Converter : 8bit x 6ch (TBD LSB)
• Pulse Width Modulation
- 14bit x 1ch
- 8bit x 6ch
• Timer
- Timer/Counter : 8bit x 4ch (16bit x 2ch)
- Basic interval timer : 8bit x 1ch
- Watch Dog Timer
• Number of Interrupt sources : 18
• On Screen Display
- Number of characters : 512 (6 characters are reserved for IC test)
- Character size : 12 dots(X) x 16 dots(Y)
- Character display size : Large, Medium, Small
- DIsplay capability : 24Characters x 16 Line (Two line VRAM buffer)
- Character, Back ground color : 16kinds
- Special functions : Rounding, Outline, Sprite, Shadow,...
• Buzzer Driving port
- 500Hz ~ 250kHz @8MHz (Duty 50%)
• Operating Range : 4.5V to 5.5V