Intersil Star*Power Rad Hard MOSFETs have been specifically developed for high performance applications in a commercial or military space environment. Star*Power MOSFETs offer the system designer both extremely low rDS(ON) and Gate Charge allowing the development of low loss Power Subsystems. Star*Power FETs combine this electrical capability with total dose radiation hardness up to 300K RADs while maintaining the guaranteed performance for SEE (Single Event Effects) which the Intersil FS families have always featured.
• 12A, 200V, rDS(ON) = 0.140Ω
• UIS Rated
• Total Dose
- Meets Pre-RAD Specifications to 100K RAD (Si)
- Rated to 300K RAD (Si)
• Single Event
- Safe Operating Area Curve for Single Event Effects
- SEE Immunity for LET of 36MeV/mg/cm2 with VDS up to 100% of Rated Breakdown and VGS of 10V Off-Bias
• Dose Rate
- Typically Survives 3E9 RAD (Si)/s at 80% BVDSS
- Typically Survives 2E12 if Current Limited to IAS
• Photo Current
- 3.0nA Per-RAD (Si)/s Typically
• Neutron
- Maintain Pre-RAD Specifications for 1E13 Neutrons/cm2
- Usable to 1E14 Neutrons/cm2