ELAN Microelectronics
General Description
The eKA8562A is a USB audio controller for USB Phone Applications. The device has an integrated USB transceiver, USB core, dual DAC, ADC, and I2S Input/Output. It can handle a high-level USB protocol, and manages user interface via HID I/O pins.
■ USB Specification v1.1 Compliant
■ USB Audio and Human Interface Device (HID) Class v1.1 Compliant
■ Supports 12 Mbits/s Full Speed Serial Data Transmission
■ Supports 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz, 8kHz sampling rate
■ Single oscillator: 6MHz
■ Audio buffer size: 192×16 bits × 2
■ Total of four Endpoints : Endpoint 0 for control transfer , Endpoint 1 for audio streaming out , Endpoint 2 for streaming in , Endpoint 3 for HID
■ Supports stereo/mono playback
■ Built-in 2-channel D/A converter with 10-bit resolution
■ Built-in 1-channel A/D converter with 10-bit resolution
■ Alternative settings supported by the audio streaming-out interface:
ALT-0: (default setting) zero isochronous bandwidth
ALT-1: 16-bit PCM 2 channel
■ Alternative settings supported by the audio streaming-in interface:
ALT-0: (default setting) zero isochronous bandwidth
ALT-1: 16-bit PCM stereo
■ 32 bytes of general purpose RAM (R20~R3F)
■ Supports 1 LED output pin
■ Supports 1 Buzzer output pin (2.45 kHz)
■ Supports 24 Button control
■ RC Oscillator with internal RC
■ Package: 48-pin LQFP
■ USB Skype Phone (including key scan and buzzer output)