NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPD78001B(A)/78002B(A) are products in the µPD78002 subseries within the 78K/0 series.
The µPD78001B(A)/78002B(A) have various peripheral hardware such as timer, serial interface and interrupt function.
A one-time PROM or EPROM product, the µPD78P014, capable of operating in the same power supply voltage range as that of the mask ROM product and other development tools is provided.
• The µPD78001B, in comparison with the 78002B, is a higher reliability device, as a result of a more comprehensive quality assurance program (Refer to Quality Grade on NEC Semiconductor Devices (IEI-1209))
• Large on-chip ROM & RAM
• External memory expansion space: 64K bytes
• Instruction execution time can be varied from high-speed (0.4 µs) to ultra-low-speed (122 µs)
• I/O ports: 53 (N-ch open-drain : 4)
• Serial interface : 1 channel
• Timer: 4 channels
• Operating voltage range : 2.7 to 6.0 V
Transmission equipment control device, gas detector circuit breaker, safety devices, etc.