ON Semiconductor
The CS5132H is a dual output CPU power supply controller. It contains a synchronous dual NFET buck controller utilizing the V2TM control method to achieve the fastest possible transient response and best overall regulation. The CS5132H also contains a second nonsynchronous NFET buck controller.
■ Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller (VCORE)
■ Dual N-Channel MOSFET Synchronous Buck Design
■ V2TM Control Topology
■ 200ns Transient Loop Response
■ 5-Bit DAC with 1% Tolerance
■ Hiccup Mode Overcurrent Protection
■ 65ns adaptive FET Non-Overlap Time
■ Nonsynchronous Switching Regulator Controller (VI/O)
■ Single N-Channel MOSFET buck design
■ Adjustable Output with 2% Tolerance
■ System Power Management
Pentium® II System VCORE and VI/O Controlled by a Single IC
Power-Good Output Monitors VCORE Switching Regulator Output
OVP Signal Monitors VCORE Switching Regulator Output