CP2105_ Hoja de datos - Silicon Laboratories

Silicon Laboratories
The Silicon Laboratories USBXpress® Development Kit provides a complete host and device software solution for interfacing Silicon Laboratories C8051F32x, C8051F34x, C8051F38x, C8051T32x, and C8051T62x USB MCUs and CP210x communication bridges to the Universal Serial Bus (USB). No USB protocol or host device driver expertise is required. Instead, a simple, high-level Application Program Interface (API) for both the host software and device firmware is used to provide complete USB connectivity
The USBXpress Development Kit includes Windows device drivers, Windows device driver installer, host interface function library (host API) provided in the form of a Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL), and device firmware interface function library (C8051F32x, C8051F34x, C8051F38x, C8051T32x, and C8051T62x devices only).