Fairchild Semiconductor
General Description
The CD4541BC Programmable Timer is designed with a 16-stage binary counter, an integrated oscillator for use with an external capacitor and two resistors, output control logic, and a special power-on reset circuit. The special features of the power-on reset circuit are first, no additional static power consumption and second, the part functions across the full voltage range (3V–15V) whether power-on reset is enabled or disabled.
■ Available division ratios 28, 210, 213, or 216
■ Increments on positive edge clock transitions
■ Built-in low power RC oscillator (±2% accuracy over temperature range
and ±10% supply and ±3% over pro cessing @ < 10 kHz)
■ Oscillator frequency range ≈ DC to 100 kHz
■ Oscillator may be bypassed if external clock is available
(apply external clock to pin 3)
■ Automatic reset initializes all counters when power turns on
■ External master reset totally independent of automatic reset operation
■ Operates at 2n frequency divider or single transition timer
■ Q/Q select provides output logic level flexibility
■ Reset (auto or master) disables oscillator during
reset ting to provide no active power dissipation
■ Clock conditioning circuit permits operation
with very slow clock rise and fall times
■ Wide supply voltage range—3.0V to 15V
■ High noise immunity—0.45 VDD (typ.)
■ 5V–10V–15V parameter ratings
■ Symmetrical output characteristics
■ Maximum input leakage 1 µA at 15V over full tempera ture range
■ High output drive (pin 8) min. one TTL load