ROHM Semiconductor
The BU9716BK and BU9716BKV are man-machine interface ICs designed for applications such as multi-media portable terminals.
Specifically, these products are used as driver ICs for operating mode display LCD panels in portable terminals, household appliances, and other similar products. The number of display cells includes 32 segments and 3 commons, enabling drive of up to 96 cells.
• Features
1) Up to 32 segment outputs and 3 common outputs
can be displayed, for a total of 96 segments.
2) 1 / 3 duty display.
3) Either 1 / 2 or 1 / 3 can be selected for power supply for LCD display.
• Applications
Multi-media portable terminals, POS terminals, ECR
terminals, short wave radios, telephones, cameras,
VCRs, movie projectors, car audio systems, and others