PROGRAM MEMORY: Up to 8 Kbytes of the program memory can reside in the 87C51FA On-Chip EPROM. Up to 16 Kbytes of the program memory can reside in the 87C51FB on-chip EPROM. Up to 32 Kbytes of the program memory can reside in the 87C51FC on-chip EPROM. In addition the device can address up to 64K of program memory external to the chip.
DATA MEMORY: This microcontroller has a 256 x 8 on-chip RAM. In addition it can address up to 64 Kbytes of external data memory.
The Intel 87C51FA/87C51FB/87C51FC is a single-chip control-oriented microcontroller which is fabricated on Intel's reliable CHMOS EPROM technology. Being a member of the MCS-51 family, the 87C51FB/87C51FC uses the same powerful instruction set, has the same architecture, and is pin-for-pin compatible with the existing MCS-51 family of products. The 87C51FA is an enhanced version of the 87C51. The 87C51FB is an enhanced version of the 87C51FA. The 87C51FC is an enhanced version of the 87C51FB.