Analog Devices
The ADSP-2188M is a single-chip microcomputer optimized for digital signal processing (DSP) and other high-speed numeric processing applications.
The ADSP-2188M combines the ADSP-2100 family base architecture (three computational units, data address generators, and a program sequencer) with two serial ports, a 16-bit internal DMA port, a byte DMA port, a programmable timer, Flag I/O, extensive interrupt capabilities, and on-chip program and data memory.
13.3 ns Instruction Cycle Time @ 2.75 V (Internal),
75 MIPS Sustained Performance
Single-Cycle Instruction Execution
Single-Cycle Context Switch
3-Bus Architecture Allows Dual Operand Fetches in
Every Instruction Cycle
Multifunction Instructions
Power-Down Mode Featuring Low CMOS Standby Power
Dissipation with 200 CLKIN Cycle Recovery from
Power-Down Condition
Low Power Dissipation in Idle Mode
ADSP-2100 Family Code Compatible (Easy to Use
Algebraic Syntax), with Instruction Set Extensions
256K Bytes of On-Chip RAM, Configured as
48K Words Program Memory RAM
56K Words Data Memory RAM
Dual-Purpose Program Memory for Both Instruction and
Data Storage
Independent ALU, Multiplier/Accumulator, and Barrel
Shifter Computational Units
Two Independent Data Address Generators
Powerful Program Sequencer Provides Zero Overhead
Looping Conditional Instruction Execution
Programmable 16-Bit Interval Timer with Prescaler
100-Lead LQFP and 144-Ball Mini-BGA
System Interface
Flexible I/O Structure Allows 2.75 V or 3.3 V Operation;
All Inputs Tolerate up to 3.6 V Regardless of Mode
16-Bit Internal DMA Port for High-Speed Access to
On-Chip Memory (Mode Selectable)
4 MByte Memory Interface for Storage of Data Tables
and Program Overlays (Mode Selectable)
8-Bit DMA to Byte Memory for Transparent Program
and Data Memory Transfers (Mode Selectable)
I/O Memory Interface with 2048 Locations Supports
Parallel Peripherals (Mode Selectable)
Programmable Memory Strobe and Separate I/O
Memory Space Permits “Glueless” System Design
Programmable Wait State Generation
Two Double-Buffered Serial Ports with Companding
Hardware and Automatic Data Buffering
Automatic Booting of On-Chip Program Memory from
Byte-Wide External Memory, e.g., EPROM, or
through Internal DMA Port
Six External Interrupts
13 Programmable Flag Pins Provide Flexible System
UART Emulation through Software SPORT Reconfiguration
ICE-Port™ Emulator Interface Supports Debugging in
Final Systems