Analog Devices
The ADSP-21020 is the first member of Analog Devices’ family of single-chip IEEE floating-point processors optimized for digital signal processing applications. Its architecture is similar to that of Analog Devices’ ADSP-2100 family of fixed-point DSP processors.
Superscalar IEEE Floating-Point Processor
Off-Chip Harvard Architecture Maximizes Signal
Processing Performance
30 ns, 33.3 MIPS Instruction Rate, Single-Cycle
100 MFLOPS Peak, 66 MFLOPS Sustained Performance
1024-Point Complex FFT Benchmark: 0.58 ms
Divide (y/x): 180 ns
Inverse Square Root (1/√x): 270 ns
32-Bit Single-Precision and 40-Bit Extended-Precision
IEEE Floating-Point Data Formats
32-Bit Fixed-Point Formats, Integer and Fractional,
with 80-Bit Accumulators
IEEE Exception Handling with Interrupt on Exception
Three Independent Computation Units: Multiplier,
ALU, and Barrel Shifter
Dual Data Address Generators with Indirect,
Immediate, Modulo, and Bit Reverse Addressing Modes
Two Off-Chip Memory Transfers in Parallel with
Instruction Fetch and Single-Cycle Multiply & ALU
Multiply with Add & Subtract for FFT Butterfly
Efficient Program Sequencing with Zero-Overhead
Looping: Single-Cycle Loop Setup
Single-Cycle Register File Context Switch
15 (or 25) ns External RAM Access Time for
Zero-Wait-State, 30 (or 40) ns Instruction Execution
IEEE JTAG Standard 1149.1 Test Access Port and
On-Chip Emulation Circuitry
223-Pin PGA Package (Ceramic)