Analog Devices
The ADP3810 and ADP3811 combine a programmable current
limit with a battery voltage limit to provide a constant current,
constant voltage battery charger controller. In secondary side,
off-line applications, the output directly drives the diode side of
an optocoupler to give isolated feedback control of a primary
side PWM. The circuitry includes two gain (gm) stages, a precision 2.0 V reference, a control input buffer, an Undervoltage
Lock Out (UVLO) comparator, an output buffer and an overvoltage comparator.
Programmable Charge Current
High Precision Battery Voltage Limit
Precision 2.000 V Reference
Low Voltage Drop Current Sense: 300 mV Full Scale
Full Operation in Shorted and Open Battery Conditions
Drives Diode-Side of Optocoupler
Wide Operating Supply Range: 2.7 V to 16 V
Undervoltage Lockout
SO-8 Package
Internal Precision Voltage Divider for Battery Sense
Four Final Battery Voltage Options Available: 4.2 V,
8.4 V, 12.6 V, 16.8 V
Adjustable Final Battery Voltage
Battery Charger Controller for:
LiIon Batteries (ADP3810)
NiCad, NiMH Batteries (ADP3811)