Analog Devices
The AD810 is a composite and HDTV compatible, current feedback, video operational amplifier, ideal for use in systems such as multimedia, digital tape recorders and video cameras.
High Speed
80 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB, G = +1)
75 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB, G = +2)
1000 V/μs Slew Rate
50 ns Settling Time to 0.1% (VO = 10 V Step)
Ideal for Video Applications
30 MHz Bandwidth (0.1 dB, G = +2)
0.02% Differential Gain
0.04° Differential Phase
Low Noise
2.9 nV/√Hz Input Voltage Noise
13 pA/√Hz Inverting Input Current Noise
Low Power
8.0 mA Supply Current max
2.1 mA Supply Current (Power-Down Mode)
High Performance Disable Function
Turn-Off Time 100 ns
Break Before Make Guaranteed
Input to Output Isolation of 64 dB (OFF State)
Flexible Operation
Specified for ±5 V and ±15 V Operation
±2.9 V Output Swing Into a 150 Ω Load (VS = ±5 V)
Professional Video Cameras
Multimedia Systems
NTSC, PAL & SECAM Compatible Systems
Video Line Driver
ADC/DAC Buffer
DC Restoration Circuits