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AD8009AR-REEL7 Hoja de datos - Analog Devices

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Analog Devices 

The AD8009 is an ultrahigh speed current feedback amplifier with a phenomenal 5,500 V/µs slew rate that results in a rise time of 545 ps, making it ideal as a pulse amplifier. The high slew rate reduces the effect of slew rate limiting and results in the large signal bandwidth of 440 MHz required for high resolution video graphic systems. Signal quality is maintained over a wide bandwidth with worst-case distortion of –40 dBc @ 250 MHz (G = +10, 1 V p-p). For applications with multitone signals, such as IF signal chains, the third order intercept (3IP) of 12 dBm is achieved at the same frequency. This distortion performance coupled with the current feedback architecture make the AD8009 a flexible component for a gain stage amplifier in IF/RF signal chains.

Ultrahigh Speed
  5,500 V/s Slew Rate, 4 V Step, G = +2
  545 ps Rise Time, 2 V Step, G = +2
  Large Signal Bandwidth
   440 MHz, G = +2
   320 MHz, G = +10
  Small Signal Bandwidth (–3 dB)
   1 GHz, G = +1
   700 MHz, G = +2
  Settling Time 10 ns to 0.1%, 2 V Step, G = +2
Low Distortion over Wide Bandwidth
   –66 dBc @ 20 MHz, Second Harmonic
   –75 dBc @ 20 MHz, Third Harmonic
  Third Order Intercept (3IP)
   26 dBm @ 70 MHz, G = +10
Good Video Specifications
  Gain Flatness 0.1 dB to 75 MHz
  0.01% Differential Gain Error, RL = 150 
  0.01 Differential Phase Error, RL = 150 
High Output Drive
  175 mA Output Load Drive
  10 dBm with –38 dBc SFDR @ 70 MHz, G = +10
Supply Operation
  +5 V to 5 V Voltage Supply
  14 mA (Typ) Supply Current

Pulse Amplifier
IF/RF Gain Stage/Amplifiers
High Resolution Video Graphics
High Speed Instrumentations
CCD Imaging Amplifier

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