Analog Devices
The AD669 DACPORT® is a complete 16-bit monolithic D/A converter with an on-board reference and output amplifier. It is manufactured on Analog Devices’ BiMOS II process. This process allows the fabrication of low power CMOS logic functions on the same chip as high precision bipolar linear circuitry. The AD669 chip includes current switches, decoding logic, an output amplifier, a buried Zener reference and double-buffered latches.
Complete 16-Bit D/A Function
On-Chip Output Amplifier
High Stability Buried Zener Reference
Monolithic BiMOS II Construction
61 LSB Integral Linearity Error
15-Bit Monotonic over Temperature
Microprocessor Compatible
16-Bit Parallel Input
Double-Buffered Latches
Fast 40 ns Write Pulse
Unipolar or Bipolar Output
Low Glitch: 15 nV-s
Low THD+N: 0.009%
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available