Analog Devices
The AD586 represents a major advance in state-of-the-art monolithic voltage references. Using a proprietary ion-implanted buried Zener diode and laser wafer trimming of high stability thin-film resistors, the AD586 provides outstanding perform ance at low cost.
The AD586 offers much higher performance than most other 5 V references. Because the AD586 uses an industry-standard pinout, many systems can be upgraded instantly with the AD586.
Laser trimmed to high accuracy
5.000 V ±2.0 mV (M grade)
Trimmed temperature coefficient
2 ppm/°C max, 0°C to 70°C (M grade)
5 ppm/°C max, −40°C to +85°C (B and L grades)
10 ppm/°C max, −55°C to +125°C (T grade)
Low noise, 100 nV/√Hz
Noise reduction capability
Output trim capability
MIL-STD-883-compliant versions available
Industrial temperature range SOICs available
Output capable of sourcing or sinking 10 mA