Analog Devices
The AD2S1210 is a complete 10-bit to 16-bit resolution tracking resolver-to-digital converter, integrating an on-board programmable sinusoidal oscillator that provides sine wave excitation for resolvers.
The converter accepts 3.15 V p-p ± 27% input signals, in the range of 2 kHz to 20 kHz on the sine and cosine inputs. A Type II servo loop is employed to track the inputs and convert the input sine and cosine information into a digital representation of the input angle and velocity. The maximum tracking rate is 3125 rps.
Complete monolithic resolver-to-digital converter
3125 rps maximum tracking rate (10-bit resolution)
±2.5 arc minutes of accuracy
10-/12-/14-/16-bit resolution, set by user
Parallel and serial 10-bit to 16-bit data ports
Absolute position and velocity outputs
System fault detection
Programmable fault detection thresholds
Differential inputs
Incremental encoder emulation
Programmable sinusoidal oscillator on-board
Compatible with DSP and SPI interface standards
5 V supply with 2.3 V to 5 V logic interface
−40°C to +125°C temperature rating
DC and ac servo motor control
Encoder emulation
Electric power steering
Electric vehicles
Integrated starter generators/alternators
Automotive motion sensing and control