Analog Devices
The AD2S1210-EP is a complete 10-bit to 16-bit resolution tracking resolver-to-digital converter, integrating an on-board programmable sinusoidal oscillator that provides sine wave excitation for resolvers.
The converter accepts 3.15 V p-p ± 27% input signals, in the range of 2 kHz to 20 kHz on the sine and cosine inputs. A Type II servo loop is employed to track the inputs and convert the input sine and cosine information into a digital representation of the input angle and velocity. The maximum tracking rate is 3125 rps.
Complete monolithic resolver-to-digital converter
3125 rps maximum tracking rate (10-bit resolution)
±2.5 arc minutes of accuracy
10-/12-/14-/16-bit resolution, set by user
Parallel and serial 10-bit to 16-bit data ports
Absolute position and velocity outputs
System fault detection
Programmable fault detection thresholds
Differential inputs
Incremental encoder emulation
Programmable sinusoidal oscillator on board
Compatible with DSP and SPI interface standards
5 V supply with 2.3 V to 5 V logic interface
Support defense and aerospace applications (AQEC)
Military temperature range ( −55°C to +125°C)
Controlled manufacturing baseline
One assembly/test site
One fabrication site
Enhanced product change notification
Qualification data available upon request
DC and ac servo motor control
Encoder emulation
Electric power steering
Electric vehicles
Integrated starter generators/alternators
Automotive motion sensing and control