Analog Devices
The AD2S1200 is a complete 12-bit resolution tracking resolverto-digital converter, integrating an on-board programmable sinusoidal oscillator that provides sine wave excitation for resolvers. An external 8.192 MHz crystal is required to provide a precision time reference. This clock is internally divided to generate a 4.096 MHz clock to drive all the peripherals.
Complete monolithic R/D converter
Parallel and serial 12-bit data ports
System fault detection
Absolute position and velocity outputs
Differential inputs
±11 arc minutes of accuracy
1,000 rps maximum tracking rate, 12-bit resolution
Incremental encoder emulation (1,024 pulses/rev)
Programmable sinusoidal oscillator on-board
Compatible with DSP and SPI® interface standards
204.8 kHz square wave output
Single-supply operation (5.00 V ± 5%)
−40°C to +125°C temperature rating
44-lead LQFP package
4 kV ESD protection