Avago Technologies
The ACPL-W454/P454 is similar to Avago Technologies other high speed transistor output optocouplers, but with shorter propagation delays and higher CTR. The ACPL W454/P454 also has a guaranteed propagation delay difference (tPLH - tPHL). These features make the ACPL W454/P454 an excellent solution to IPM inverter dead time and other switching problems.
• Package Clearance/Creepage at 8mm (ACPL-W454)
• Function Compatible with HCPL-4504
• Surface Mountable in 6-pin stretched SO6
• Short Propagation Delays for TTL and IPM Applications
• Very High Common Mode Transient Immunity: Guaran teed 15 kV/μs at VCM = 1500 V
• High CTR: >25% at 25°C
• Guaranteed Specifications for Common IPM Applications
• TTL Compatible
• Guaranteed AC and DC Performance Over Temperature: 0°C to 70°C
• Open Collector Output
• Safety approval
UL Recognized 3750 Vrms for 1 minute (5000 Vrms for 1 minute under ACPL-W454 devices) per UL1577 CSA Approved
IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-2 Approved with VIORM = 1140 Vpeak (ACPL-W454) and VIORM = 891 Vpeak (ACPL-P454) for Option 060.
• Inverter Circuits and Intelligent Power Module (IPM) In terfacing – Shorter propagation delays and guaranteed (tPLH - tPHL) specifications.
• High Speed Logic Ground Isolation
• Line Receivers
- High common mode transient immunity (>15 kV/μs for a TTL load/drive) and low input-output capacitance (0.6 pF).
• Replace Pulse Transformers
- Save board space and weight
• Analog Signal Ground Isolation
- Integrated photo detector provides improved linearity over phototransistors