Fairchild Semiconductor
General Description
The 74F402 expandable Serial Data Polynomial generator/checker is an expandable version of the 74F401. It provides an advanced tool for the implementation of the most widely used error detection scheme in serial digital handling systems. A 4-bit control input selects one-of-six generator polynomials. The list of polynomials includes CRC- 16, CRC-CCITT and Ethernet, as well as three other standard polynomials (56th order, 48th order, 32nd order)
■ Guaranteed 30 MHz data rate
■ Six selectable polynomials
■ Other polynomials available
■ Separate preset and clear controls
■ Expandable
■ Automatic right justification
■ Error output open collector
■ Typical applications: Floppy and other disk storage
systems Digital cassette and cartridge systems Data
communication systems