Fairchild Semiconductor
General Description
The ABT2952 is an octal registered transceiver. Two 8-bit back to back registers store data flowing in both directions between two bidirectional buses. Separate clock, clock enable and 3-STATE output enable signals are provided for each register. The output pins are guaranteed to source 32 mA and to sink 64 mA.
■ Separate clock, clock enable and 3-STATE output
enable provided for each register
■ A and B output sink capability of 64 mA source capability of 32 mA
■ Guaranteed output skew
■ Guaranteed multiple output switching specifications
■ Output switching specified for both 50 pF and 250 pF loads
■ Guaranteed simultaneous switching noise level and
dynamic threshold performance
■ Guaranteed latchup protection
■ High impedance glitch free bus loading during entire
power up and power down cycle
■ Nondestructive hot insertion capability