CD4015BMS consists of two identical, independent, 4-stage serial-input/parallel output registers. Each register has independent CLOCK and RESET inputs as well as a single serial DATA input. “Q” outputs are available from each of the four stages on both registers. All register stages are D type, master-slave flip-flops. The logic level present at the DATA input is transferred into the first register stage and shifted over one stage at each positive-going clock transition. Resetting of all
stages is accomplished by a high level on the reset line. Register expansion to 8 stages using one CD4015BMS package, or to more than 8 stages using additional CD4015BMS’s is possible.
• High-Voltage Type (20V Rating)
• Medium Speed Operation 12MHz (typ.) Clock Rate at VDD - VSS = 10V
• Fully Static Operation
• 8 Master-Slave Flip-Flops Plus Input and Output Buffering
• 100% Tested For Quiescent Current at 20V
• 5V, 10V and 15V Parametric Ratings
• Standardized Symmetrical Output Characteristics
• Maximum Input Current of 1µA at 18V Over Full Package-Temperature Range; 100nA at 18V and 25°C
• Noise Margin (Full Package-Temperature Range) =
- 1V at VDD = 5V
- 2V at VDD = 10V
- 2.5V at VDD = 15V