Product Highlights
Mini-Fit Reflow Temperature Compatible (RTC) Headers can withstand high SMT solder-reflow temperatures to guarantee compatibility with lead-free RoHS reflow processes. Mini-Fit RTC headers mate with standard Mini-Fit® receptacles, and share the same design features of the Mini-Fit Jr. headers, ensuring compatibility and reliability. Mini-Fit products provide a cost-effective solution for mid-range power applications that require high-density and current-carrying capability.
FEATUREs and Benefits
• Press-fit PCB pegs compatible with existing Mini-Fit receptacles and provide polarization during placement on the PCB
• High-temperature LCP housing withstands RoHS lead-free processing up to 260°C peak (20 seconds)
• Thumblatch for easy unmating
• Positive housing lock for secure mating
• Fully isolated terminals to protect contacts
• Four gas-tight points of contact on Tin plated contacts
• Desktop/tower computer
• Power supplies
• Networking: Hubs, Servers
• Industrial
• Medical
• Transportation
• Military Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS)
• Mid-range power applications