2N6517 Hoja de datos - Secos Corporation.

Secos Corporation.
High Voltage Transistors
Complement of the 2N6520
Número de pieza
componentes Descripción
0.5 A, 25 V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor
Secos Corporation.
0.5 A, 60 V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor
Secos Corporation.
0.5 A , 35 V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor ( Rev : 2011 )
Secos Corporation.
0.5 A, 25 V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor ( Rev : 2005 )
Secos Corporation.
0.5 A , 35 V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor ( Rev : 2012 )
Secos Corporation.
0.5 A, 80 V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor
Secos Corporation.
-0.5 A, -60 V PNP Plastic Encapsulated Transistor
Secos Corporation.
-0.5 A, -350 V PNP Plastic Encapsulated Transistor
Secos Corporation.
-0.5 A, -30 V PNP Plastic Encapsulated Transistor
Secos Corporation.
NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor
Weitron Technology