Microsemi Corporation
These lowcapacitance diode arrays are multiple, discrete, isolatedjunctions fabricated by a planar process and mounted in a 14-PINceramic DIP packagefor useas steering diodes protecting up to seven I/O ports from ESD, EFT,or surge by directing them either to the positive sideof the power supply line or to ground (seeFigure 1).
• Hermetic Ceramic Package
• Isolated Diodesto Eliminate Cross-Talk Voltages
• High BreakdownVoltage VBR >75 V at 5 µA
• LowLeakage IR<100nA at 40V
• LowCapacitance C <4.0 pF
• Switching Speeds less than10ns
• Options for screening inaccordance with MIL-PRF-19500/474 for JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, and JANS are available byadding MQ, MX, MV, or MSP prefixes respectivelyto part numbers. For example, designate MX1N6511 for a JANTX screen.
• High Frequency DataLines
• RS-232& RS-422 Interface Networks
• Ethernet: 10 Base T
• Computer I/O Ports
• Switching CoreDrivers
• IEC 61000-4 Compatible (seecircuit in figure1)
61000-4-2 ESD: Air 15 kV, contact 8 kW
61000-4-4 (EFT): 40 A – 5/50 ns
61000-4-5 (surge): 12 A 8/20 µs