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ADSP-BF526KBCZ-4X Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Analog Devices

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ADSP-BF526KBCZ-4X Datasheet PDF : 80 Pages
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Preliminary Technical Data
The ADSP-BF522/524/526 and ADSP-BF523/525/527 proces-
sors are members of the Blackfin family of products,
incorporating the Analog Devices/Intel Micro Signal Architec-
ture (MSA). Blackfin processors combine a dual-MAC state-of-
the-art signal processing engine, the advantages of a clean,
orthogonal RISC-like microprocessor instruction set, and sin-
gle-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) multimedia capabilities
into a single instruction-set architecture.
The ADSP-BF522/524/526 and ADSP-BF523/525/527 proces-
sors are completely code compatible with other Blackfin
processors. The ADSP-BF523/525/527 processors offer perfor-
mance up to 600 MHz. The ADSP-BF522/524/526 processors
offer performance up to 400 MHz and reduced static power
consumption. Differences with respect to peripheral combina-
tions are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Processor Comparison
Host DMA
Ethernet MAC
Internal Voltage Regulator
GP Timers
Watchdog Timers
Parallel Peripheral Interface 1 1 1 1 1 1
48 48 48 48 48 48
L1 Instruction SRAM
48K 48K 48K 48K 48K 48K
L1 Instruction SRAM/Cache 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K
L1 Data SRAM
32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K
L1 Data SRAM/Cache
32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K
L1 Scratchpad
4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K
L3 Boot ROM
Maximum Speed Grade1
32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K
400 MHz 600 MHz
Maximum System Clock Speed 80 MHz 133 MHz
Package Options
289-Ball CSP_BGA
208-Ball CSP_BGA
1 Maximum speed grade is not available with every possible SCLK selection.
By integrating a rich set of industry-leading system peripherals
and memory, Blackfin processors are the platform of choice for
next-generation applications that require RISC-like program-
mability, multimedia support, and leading-edge signal
processing in one integrated package.
Blackfin processors provide world-class power management
and performance. They are produced with a low power and low
voltage design methodology and feature on-chip dynamic
power management, which is the ability to vary both the voltage
and frequency of operation to significantly lower overall power
consumption. This capability can result in a substantial reduc-
tion in power consumption, compared with just varying the
frequency of operation. This allows longer battery life for
portable appliances.
The ADSP-BF522/524/526 and ADSP-BF523/525/527 proces-
sors are highly integrated system-on-a-chip solutions for the
next generation of embedded network connected applications.
By combining industry-standard interfaces with a high perfor-
mance signal processing core, cost-effective applications can be
developed quickly, without the need for costly external compo-
nents. The system peripherals include an IEEE-compliant 802.3
10/100 Ethernet MAC, a USB 2.0 high speed OTG controller, a
TWI controller, a NAND flash controller, two UART ports, an
SPI port, two serial ports (SPORTs), eight general purpose 32-
bit timers with PWM capability, a core timer, a real-time clock,
a watchdog timer, a Host DMA (HOSTDP) interface, and a par-
allel peripheral interface (PPI).
The ADSP-BF522/524/526 and ADSP-BF523/525/527 proces-
sors contain a rich set of peripherals connected to the core via
several high bandwidth buses, providing flexibility in system
configuration as well as excellent overall system performance
(see the block diagram on Page 1). These Blackfin processors
contain dedicated network communication modules and high
speed serial and parallel ports, an interrupt controller for flexi-
ble management of interrupts from the on-chip peripherals or
external sources, and power management control functions to
tailor the performance and power characteristics of the proces-
sor and system to many application scenarios.
All of the peripherals, except for the general-purpose I/O, TWI,
real-time clock, and timers, are supported by a flexible DMA
structure. There are also separate memory DMA channels dedi-
cated to data transfers between the processor's various memory
spaces, including external SDRAM and asynchronous memory.
Multiple on-chip buses running at up to 133 MHz provide
enough bandwidth to keep the processor core running along
with activity on all of the on-chip and external peripherals.
Rev. PrG | Page 3 of 80 | February 2009

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