Peripheral Registers
Peripheral Interrupt Control
Peripheral Data Controller
The AT91M40800 microcontroller peripherals are connected to the 32-bit wide
Advanced Peripheral Bus. Peripheral registers are only word accessible – byte and half-
word accesses are not supported. If a byte or a half-word access is attempted, the mem-
ory controller automatically masks the lowest address bits and generates an word
Each peripheral has a 16-Kbyte address space allocated (the AIC only has a 4-Kbyte
address space).
The following registers are common to all peripherals:
• Control Register – write only register that triggers a command when a one is written
to the corresponding position at the appropriate address. Writing a zero has no
• Mode Register – read/write register that defines the configuration of the peripheral.
Usually has a value of 0x0 after a reset.
• Data Registers – read and/or write register that enables the exchange of data
between the processor and the peripheral.
• Status Register – read only register that returns the status of the peripheral.
• Enable/Disable/Status Registers are shadow command registers. Writing a one in
the Enable Register sets the corresponding bit in the Status Register. Writing a one
in the Disable Register resets the corresponding bit and the result can be read in the
Status Register. Writing a bit to zero has no effect. This register access method
maximizes the efficiency of bit manipulation, and enables modification of a register
with a single non-interruptible instruction, replacing the costly read-modify-write
Unused bits in the peripheral registers are shown as “–” and must be written at 0 for
upward compatibility. These bits read 0.
The Interrupt Control of each peripheral is controlled from the status register using the
interrupt mask. The status register bits are ANDed to their corresponding interrupt mask
bits and the result is then ORed to generate the Interrupt Source signal to the Advanced
Interrupt Controller.
The interrupt mask is read in the Interrupt Mask Register and is modified with the Inter-
rupt Enable Register and the Interrupt Disable Register. The enable/disable/status (or
mask) makes it possible to enable or disable peripheral interrupt sources with a non-
interruptible single instruction. This eliminates the need for interrupt masking at the AIC
or Core level in real-time and multi-tasking systems.
The AT91M40800 microcontroller has a 4-channel PDC dedicated to the two on-chip
USARTs. One PDC channel is dedicated to the receiver and one to the transmitter of
each USART.
The user interface of a PDC channel is integrated in the memory space of each USART.
It contains a 32-bit Address Pointer Register (RPR or TPR) and a 16-bit Transfer
Counter Register (RCR or TCR). When the programmed number of transfers are per-
formed, a status bit indicating the end of transfer is set in the USART Status Register
and an interrupt can be generated.