Multi-Deck Rotary Switches
Military Qualified
Single Shaft Switches
The military styles of the single shaft Series
42 and 44 rotary switches are qualified to MIL-
DTL-3786/4, specifically SR04-1. Qualification
includes two temperature ranges. Unsealed
styles M, MB, MG and MBG are qualified for -65
to 85°C. Unsealed styles H, HB, HG and HBG,
plus sealed styles HS, HBS, HGS and HBGS
are qualified for -65°C to 125°C. Qualification
includes low level switching and shaft grounding
as specified in MIL-DTL-3786. Qualification
includes 30°, 36°, 45°, 60° and 90° angles of throw
with solder lug terminals. The military styles are
dimensionally the same as the standard styles
with two exceptions. The location of the common
for the 3-pole switch differs (see circuit diagrams)
and the non-turn tab for styles HS, HBS, HGS
and HBGS differs per the Shaft and Panel Seal
description following.
Two Switches, Concentric Shafts
The M style of the concentric shaft Series 43
and 54 switches is qualified to MIL-DTL-3786/4,
specifically SR04-2. Unsealed switches are
qualified for -65°C to 85°C in 30°, 36°, 45°,
60° and 90° throws. The standard and military
styles of the concentric switches have the same
dimensions with the exception of the location of
the 3 pole common (see circuit diagrams). The
30° and 36° throws are described in the ordering
information. If the 45°, 60° and 90° throws are
required, they can be provided in Section A of
the Series 54 Rotary Switches; see Standard
Options, page J-9.
Add-A-Pot Switches
The military style of the add-a-pot Series 54
switch is qualified to MIL-DTL-3786/4, specifically
SR04-3. These unsealed switches are qualified
for -65°C to 85°C in 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° throws.
The dimensions of the military style add-a-pot
switches are not the same as the standard add-
a-pot switches; see drawings.
All Qualified Switches
Complete electrical ratings and characteristics
for all of these qualified switches are listed on
the following pages. Standard variations such
as terminals, shaft and/or bushing length etc.,
which do not affect performance, can be marked
as qualified product. Adjustable stops cannot
be qualified. Contact Grayhill for details about
Military qualified switches may be ordered by the
military M number listed in MIL-DTL-3786/4 or
by the Grayhill part number. They will be marked
to specifications.
Military Qualified Shaft and
Panel Seal:
Styles HS, HBS, HGS and HBGS
The shaft is sealed to the bushing by an internal
O-ring per MIL-P-5516B. The bushing is sealed
to the panel with a silicone rubber washer and
a stainless steel backing washer. The combined
uncompressed thickness is 0.055" (1,40). Since
this switch has a flat cover, a non-turn washer is
supplied (see Panel Seal Kit). If using it, mount
it in front of the panel.
Electrical Ratings
Standard Style
Rated: To make and break the following
115 Vac resistive
6-28 Vdc resistive
115 Vac inductive
115 Vdc inductive
6-28 Vdc inductive
115 Vdc resistive
Angle of Throw
30° or 36° 45° or 60° 90°
1 amp
5 amps 5 amps
1 amp
1 amp 2 amps
0.25 amp 2 amps 2 amps
0.02 amp
0.10 amp
0.10 amp
To carry 10 amps continuously.
Contact Resistance: 50 milliohms maximum
Insulation Resistance: 1,000 megaohms
Voltage Breakdown: 1,000 Vac initially (500
Vac or better after most environmental tests)
Life Expectancy: 100,000 mechanical cycles
of operation. Note: Actual life is determined
by a number of factors, including electrical
loading, rate of rotation and environment, as
well as maximum voltage breakdown required
at the end of life.
UL Recognition–
Styles UA, UD, UM, UP, US and USP
Grayhill styles A and M and their variations (D, P,
S and SP) of the Series 42, 43, 44 and 54 rotary
switches have been tested by Underwriters
Laboratories. The letter U in the style indicates
proper marking as required by Underwriters
Laboratories. These switches are recognized
under file number E35289.The UL rating for the
Series 42, 43, 44 and 54 is as follows:
Electrical Parameters: style UA = 1.0 ampere
at 125 Vac. Style UM = 1.0 ampere at 125 Vac
and also .5 ampere at 125 Vac, inductive load,
0.75 to 0.8 power factor.
Rating based on the following criteria:
Overload: 50 operations at 150% rated AC
Endurance: 6000 operations at the rated load
with 1000 Vac dielectric strength before and
after test
Temperature Rise: Not to exceed 30°C when
carrying rated AC load after test.
Note: all dimensional drawings for the standard
style Series 42, 43, 44 and 54 also apply to these
switches, with the exception that switches are
marked per specifications.
Electrical Ratings
Military Style
General Rating: This rating is based on standard
Grayhill tests of the Military style switch done at
ambient conditions. It is provided for comparison
to the Standard Style switch.
Charts shown for non-shorting contacts (break
before make)
0 10
CyCLES x 1,000
.50 (2.8 HENRIES)
0 10
CyCLES x 1,000
Voltage and Load: As listed in the chart
One cycle is 360° rotation and a return through
all switch positions to the starting position.The
data for the curves was measured at sea level,
25°C and 68% relative humidity.
The Series 42, 43, 44 and 54, style M, H and
HS switches are made to meet requirements
of MIL-DTL-3786, style SR04. Diallyl phthalate
molded parts and the design of internal
switching elements provide exceptional
Curves shown are typical load-life curves for
Series 42, 43, 44 and 54, style M, H and HS
switches with 30° or 36° angles of throw. They
show the numbers of cycles of rotational life
expectancy for the types of loads shown.Thus,
with a 5 amp, 115 Vac resistive load, 10,000
cycles of life is expected. If the load is reduced
to 3 amps, life is increased to 25,000 cycles.The
larger angles of throw (45°, 60° or 90°) switch
larger currents for a like number of cycles.
Life limiting or failure criteria for these curves
Contact Resistance: 50 milliohms
Insulation Resistance: 1,000 megaohms
minimum between mutually insulated parts
Voltage Breakdown: 1,000 Vac minimum
between mutually insulated parts. These
switches will carry 10 amps with maximum
contact temperature rise of 20°C. Life can
be predicted by Grayhill if less critical life
characteristics, elevated temperature or
reduced pressure is involved.
MIL-S-3786 Electrical Values
Military Style
Grayhill, Inc. • 561 Hillgrove Avenue • LaGrange, Illinois 60525-5997 • USA • Phone: 708-354-1040 • Fax: 708-354-2820 •