Temperature measurement and compensation
Leadless NTCs
Reflow soldering
Recommended temperature characteristic for reflow soldering following JEDEC J-STD-020D
Profile feature
Preheat and soak
- Temperature min
- Temperature max
- Time
tsmin to tsmax
Average ramp-up rate
Tsmax to Tp
Liquidous temperature
Time at liquidous
Peak package body temperature Tp1)
Time (tP)3) within 5 °C of specified
classification temperature (Tc)
Average ramp-down rate
Tp to Tsmax
Time 25 °C to peak temperature
Sn-Pb eutectic assembly
100 °C
150 °C
60 ... 120 s
3 °C/ s max.
183 °C
60 ... 150 s
220 °C ... 235 °C2)
20 s3)
6 °C/ s max.
maximum 6 min
Pb-free assembly
150 °C
200 °C
60 ... 180 s
3 °C/ s max.
217 °C
60 ... 150 s
245 °C ... 260 °C2)
30 s3)
6 °C/ s max.
maximum 8 min
1) Tolerance for peak profile temperature (TP) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum.
2) Depending on package thickness. For details please refer to JEDEC J-STD-020D.
3) Tolerance for time at peak profile temperature (tP) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum.
Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.
Number of reflow cycles: 3
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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