The oscillator is mounted in pin sockets, allowing easy removal or replacement. The board is shipped with
a 12.2880 MHz crystal oscillator populated.
1.7 External Control Headers
The evaluation board has been designed to allow interfacing with external systems via the headers J10, and
The 8-pin, 2 row header, J10, provides access to the serial audio signals required to interface to the serial
audio port of the CS5345 with a DSP (see Figure 10 on page 22).
The direction of the signals on header J10 can be configured using the controls located within the Board
Controls group box on the CDB5345 Controls tab in the provided GUI software.
The 15-pin, 3 row header, J17, allows the user bidirectional access to the SPI/I2C control signals by simply
removing all the shunt jumpers from the “PC” position. The user may then choose to connect a ribbon cable
to the “EXTERNAL CONTROL” position. A single “GND” row for the ribbon cable’s ground connection is pro-
vided to maintain signal integrity. Two unpopulated pull-up resistors are also available should the user
choose to use the CDB for the I2C power rail.
1.8 Analog Inputs
RCA connectors supply the CS5345 analog inputs through single-ended, unity gain, active or passive cir-
cuits. Refer to the CS5345 data sheet for the ADC full-scale level.
A 4-pin CD-ROM type header is provided for easily connecting the analog outputs from a CD-ROM drive to
the analog inputs of the CS5345.
1.9 Analog Outputs
The CS5345 PGA analog outputs are routed through a two-pole active filter. The output of the filter is con-
nected to RCA jacks for easy evaluation.
Serial Control Port
A graphical user interface is included with the CDB5345 to allow easy manipulation of the registers in the
CS5345, CS8406, and FPGA. See the device-specific data sheets for the CS5345 and CD8406 internal reg-
ister descriptions. The internal register map for the FPGA is located in section 4 on page 10.
Connecting a cable to the RS-232 connector (J42) and launching the Cirrus Logic FlexGUI software (Flex-
Loader.exe) will enable the CDB5345.
Refer to “PC Software Control” on page 7 for a description of the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
1.11 USB Control Port
The USB control port connector (J37) is currently unavailable.