Low-Current, I2C, Serial Real-Time Clock
slave address byte with R/W = 1, reads the data byte
with a NACK to indicate the end of the transfer, and
generates a STOP condition. However, since requiring
the master to keep track of the memory address
counter is impractical, the following method should
be used to perform reads from a specified memory
Manipulating the Address Counter for Reads: A
dummy write cycle can be used to force the address
counter to a particular value. To do this the master
generates a START condition, writes the slave address
byte (R/W = 0), writes the memory address where
it desires to read, generates a repeated START
condition, writes the slave address byte (R/W = 1),
reads data with ACK or NACK as applicable, and
generates a STOP condition. See Figure 5 for a
read example using the repeated START condition to
specify the starting memory location.
Reading Multiple Bytes From a Slave: The read
operation can be used to read multiple bytes with a
single transfer. When reading bytes from the slave, the
master simply ACKs the data byte if it desires to read
another byte before terminating the transaction. After
the master reads the last byte it must NACK to indicate
the end of the transfer and then it generates a STOP
Applications Information
Power-Supply Decoupling
To achieve the best results when using the DS1339A,
decouple the VCC power supply with a 0.01FF and/or
0.1FF capacitor. Use a high-quality, ceramic, surface-
mount capacitor if possible. Surface-mount components
minimize lead inductance, which improves performance,
and ceramic capacitors tend to have adequate high-
frequency response for decoupling applications.
Using an Open-Drain Output
The SQW/INT output is open-drain and therefore requires
an external pullup resistor to realize a logic-high output
SDA and SCL Pullup Resistors
SDA is an open-drain output and requires an external
pullup resistor to realize a logic-high output level.
Because the DS1339A does not use clock cycle
stretching, a master using either an open-drain output
with a pullup resistor or CMOS output driver (push-pull)
could be used for SCL.
Battery Charge Protection
The DS1339A contains Maxim’s redundant battery-
charge protection circuit to prevent any charging of
an external battery. The DS1339A is recognized by
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) under file E141114.
Handling, PCB Layout, and Assembly
Avoid running signal traces under the package, unless
a ground plane is placed between the package and the
signal line. Do not use external components to compen-
sate for improper crystal selection.
Moisture-sensitive packages are shipped from the fac-
tory dry-packed. Handling instructions listed on the pack-
age label must be followed to prevent damage during
reflow. Refer to the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 standard for
moisture-sensitive device (MSD) classifications.
Figure 6. Typical PCB Layout for Crystal
Maxim Integrated