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U632H16BDK45 Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG

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Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG 
U632H16BDK45 Datasheet PDF : 14 Pages
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Memory Products 1998
PowerStore 2K x 8 nvSRAM U632H16
ZMD products are no t designed, inten ded, or auth orized fo r us e as component s in
sy stems intend for su rgical implant into the bod y, or other appl ications intend ed to
support or sustain li fe, or for any other appl ication in whi ch the failure o f the Z MD
product cou ld create a s ituation whe re personal inju ry or death may oc cur.
Components used in life-suppo rt dev ices or sy stems must be exp ress ly autho rized
by Z MD for such purpose.
The in formation d escribes the type o f co mponent an d shall not be cons idered as
assu red characte ristic s.
Terms of de live ry and r ights to change design reser ved.
Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden GmbH
Gren zstra ße 28• D-01109 Dresde n• P. O. B. 80 01 34 • D-01101 Dresden• Germany
Phone: +49 351 8 8 22-3 06 • Fax: +49 351 88 22-3 37 • Email: sales@zmd .de
Internet Web Site: http:// www.zmd. de

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