Pin descriptions
STM6600 - STM6601
PB - power ON switch
This input is equipped with a voltage detector with a factory-trimmed threshold and has
± 8 kV HBM ESD protection.
When the PB button is pressed and held, the battery voltage is detected and EN (or EN) is
asserted if the battery voltage is above the threshold VTH+ during the whole tDEBOUNCE
period (see Figure 13).
A short push of the push-button during normal operation can initiate an interrupt through
debounced INT output (see Figure 14) and a long push of PB and SR simultaneously can
either assert reset output RST (see Figure 18) or deassert the EN or EN output (see
Figure 19) based on the option used.
A switch to GND must be connected to this input (e.g. mechanical push-button, open drain
output of external circuitry, etc.), see Figure 1. This ensures a proper startup signal on PB
(i.e. a transition from full VCC below specified VIL). PB input has an internal 100 kΩ pull-up
resistor connected.
VCCLO - high threshold detection output
During power-up, VCCLO is low when VCC supply voltage is below the VTH+ threshold. After
successful power-up (i.e. during normal operation) VCCLO is low anytime undervoltage is
detected (see Figure 13).
Output type is active low and open drain by default. Open drain output type requires a pull-
up resistor. A 10 kΩ is sufficient in most applications.
VCCLO is floating when STM660x is in standby mode.
PBOUT - PB input state
If the push-button PB is pressed, the pin stays low during the tDEBOUNCE time period.
If PB is asserted for the entire tDEBOUNCE period, PBOUT will then stay low for at least
tINT_Min. If PB is asserted after tINT_Min expires, PBOUT will return high as soon as PB is
deasserted (see Figure 22). PBOUT ignores PB assertion during an undervoltage condition.
At startup on the STM6601 PBOUT will respond only to the first PB assertion and any other
assertion will be ignored until tON_BLANK expires. This output is active low and open drain by
default. Open drain output type requires a pull-up resistor. A 10 kΩ is sufficient in most
Doc ID 15453 Rev 7