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HI5810_01 Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Intersil

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HI5810_01 Datasheet PDF : 13 Pages
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switch resistance. The time constant is 160ns. To charge this
capacitor from an external “zero ” source to 0.5 LSB
(1/8192), the charging time must be at least 9 time constants
or 1.4µs. The maximum source impedance (RSOURCE Max)
for a 2µs acquisition time settling to within 0.5 LSB is 164.
If the clock frequency was slower, or the converter was not
restarted immediately (causing a longer sample time), a
higher source impedance could be tolerated.
RSW 420
Reference Input
The reference input VREF+ should be driven from a low
impedance source and be well decoupled.
As shown in Figure 15, current spikes are generated on the
reference pin during each bit test of the successive
approximation part of the conversion cycle as the charge
balancing capacitors are switched between VREF - and
VREF+ (clock periods 5 - 14). These current spikes must
settle completely during each bit test of the conversion to not
degrade the accuracy of the converter. Therefore VREF+
and VREF - should be well bypassed. Reference input VREF-
is normally connected directly to the analog ground plane. If
VREF- is biased for nulling the converters offset it must be
stable during the conversion cycle.
IREF+ 10mA
CONDITIONS: VDD = VAA+ = 5.0V, VREF+ = 4.608V,
VIN = 2.3V, CLK = 750kHz, TA = 25oC
The HI5810 is specified with a 4.608V reference, however, it
will operate with a reference down to 3V having a slight
degradation in performance.
Full Scale and Offset Adjustment
In many applications the accuracy of the HI5810 would be
sufficient without any adjustments. In applications where
accuracy is of utmost importance full scale and offset errors
may be adjusted to zero.
The VREF+ and VREF- pins reference the two ends of the
analog input range and may be used for offset and full scale
adjustments. In a typical system the VREF- might be returned
to a clean ground, and the offset adjustment done on an input
amplifier. VREF+ would then be adjusted to null out the full
scale error. When this is not possible, the VREF- input can be
adjusted to null the offset error, however, VREF- must be well
Full scale and offset error can also be adjusted to zero in the
signal conditioning amplifier driving the analog input (VIN).
Control Signal
The HI5810 may be synchronized from an external source
by using the STRT (Start Conversion) input to initiate
conversion, or if STRT is tied low, may be allowed to free
run. Each conversion cycle takes 15 clock periods.
The input is tracked from clock period 1 through period 3,
then disconnected as the successive approximation takes
place. After the start of the next period 1 (specified by tD
data), the output is updated.
The DRDY (Data Ready) status output goes high (specified
by tD1DRDY) after the start of clock period 1, and returns
low (specified by tD2DRDY) after the start of clock period 2.
The 12 data bits are available in parallel on three-state bus
driver outputs. When low, the OEM input enables the most
significant byte (D4 through D11) while the OEL input
enables the four least significant bits (D0 - D3). tEN and tDIS
specify the output enable and disable times.
If the output data is to be latched externally, either the trailing
edge of data ready or the next falling edge of the clock after
data ready goes high can be used.
When STRT input is used to initiate conversions, operation is
slightly different depending on whether an internal or
external clock is used.
Figure 3 illustrates operation with an internal clock. If the
STRT signal is removed (at least tRSTRT) before clock
period 1, and is not reapplied during that period, the clock
will shut off after entering period 2. The input will continue to
track and the DRDY output will remain high during this time.
A low signal applied to STRT (at least tWSTRT wide) can
now initiate a new conversion. The STRT signal (after a
delay of (tDSTRT)) causes the clock to restart.
Depending on how long the clock was shut off, the low
portion of clock period 2 may be longer than during the
remaining cycles.
The input will continue to track until the end of period 3, the
same as when free running.

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