(Rev. 0.9)
RsmIE = 1
KbdIE = 1
MsIE = 1
→ Enable RsmI interrupt.
→ Enable KbdI interrupt.
→ Enable MsI interrupt.
USBCTR (r/w) : USB control register.
Susp = 1 → S/W force USB interface into suspend mode.
RsmO = 1 → S/W force USB interface send RESUME signal in suspend mode.
EP1cfgd = 1 → Endpoint 1 is configed.
EP2cfgd = 1 → Endpoint 2 is configed.
RC0rdy = 1 → Enable the Endpoint 0 to respond to OUT token.
= 0 → Endpoint 0 will respond NAK to OUT token.
This bit can be set or cleared by S/W, clear by H/W while RC0I occurs.
CtrRD = 1 → MTP805 will stall an invalid OUT token during Control Read transfer.
EP0STUS (r) : Endpoint 0 status.
RC0tgl = 1 → Receive a DATA1 packet.
= 0 → Receive a DATA0 packet.
RC0err = 1 → Receive DATA packet error.
= 0 → Receive DATA packet good.
EP0dir = 1 → Last transfer is transmit direction (IN).
= 0 → Last transfer is receive direction (OUT, SETUP).
EP0set = 1 → Last transfer is a SETUP.
= 0 → Last transfer is not a SETUP.
RC0cnt :
Last transfer's receive byte count.
TX0CTR (r/w) : Endpoint 0 transmit control register.
TX0rdy = 1 → Enable the Endpoint 0 to respond to IN token.
= 0 → Endpoint 0 will respond NAK to IN token.
This bit can be set or cleared by S/W, clear by H/W while Host ack the transfer.
TX0tgl = 1 → Endpoint 0 will transmit DATA1 packet.
= 0 → Endpoint 0 will transmit DATA0 packet.
EP0stall = 1 → Endpoint 0 will stall OUT/IN packet.
TX0cnt (w) : Endpoint 0 transmit byte count, write only.
TX1CTR (r/w) : Endpoint 1 transmit control register.
TX1rdy = 1 → Enable the Endpoint 1 to respond to IN token.
= 0 → Endpoint 1 will respond NAK to IN token.
This bit can be set or cleared by S/W, clear by H/W while Host ack the transfer.
TX1tgl = 1 → Endpoint 1 will transmit DATA1 packet.
= 0 → Endpoint 1 will transmit DATA0 packet.
EP1stall = 1 → Endpoint 1 will stall IN packet.
TX1cnt (w) : Endpoint 1 transmit byte count, write only.
TX2CTR (r/w) : Endpoint 1 transmit control register.
TX2rdy = 1 → Enable the Endpoint 2 to respond to IN token.
= 0 → Endpoint 2 will respond NAK to IN token.
This bit can be set or cleared by S/W, clear by H/W while Host ack the transfer.
TX2tgl = 1 → Endpoint 2 will transmit DATA1 packet.
= 0 → Endpoint 2 will transmit DATA0 packet.
EP2stall = 1 → Endpoint 2 will stall IN packet.
TX2cnt (w) : Endpoint 1 transmit byte count, write only.
KSI (r) :
KSI7~0’s read result.
LED (w) :
Data load into the GPO0 / LED2~0 output latch.
Revision 0.9
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