VEE = VEE (Min.) to VEE (Max.); VCC = GND
TA = –40°C
TA = 0°C
TA = +25°C
TA = +85°C
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Propagation Delay to Output
IN (differential)(2)
380 — 680 430 — 630 430 — 630 430 — 630
IN (single-ended)(3)
280 — 780 330 — 730 330 — 730 330 — 730
400 — 900 450 — 850 450 — 850 450 — 850
400 — 900 450 — 850 450 — 850 450 — 850
Within-Device Skew(5)
Part-to-Part Skew (Diff.)
— — 75 — — 50 —
— — 250 — — 200 —
— 50 — — 50 ps
— 200 — — 200
Set-up Time, EN to IN(6)
250 — 0 200 0 — 200 0 — 200 0 — ps
Hold Time, IN to EN(7)
0 — –200 0 –200 — 0 –200 — 0 –200 — ps
Release Time, EN to IN(8) 350 — 100 300 100 — 300 100 — 300 100 — ps
Minimum Input Swing(9)
250 — — 250 — — 250 — — 250 — — mV
Common Mode Range(10) –1.5 — –0.4 –1.5 — –0.4 –1.5 — –0.4 –1.5 — –0.4 V
Rise/Fall Times
20% to 80%
200 — 650 200 — 600 200 — 600 200 — 600 ps
1. Parametric values specified at: 5 volt Power Supply Range 100E111AE Series: -4.2V to -5.5V.
10E111AE Series
-4.75V to -5.5V.
3 volt Power Supply Range 10/100E111LE Series: -3.0V to -3.8V.
2. The differential propagation delay is defined as the delay from the crossing points of the differential input signals to the crossing point of the
differential output signals.
3. The single-ended propagation delay is defined as the delay from the 50% point of the input signal to the 50% point of the output signal.
4. Enable is defined as the propagation delay from the 50% point of a negative transition on EN to the 50% point of a positive transition on Q (or a
negative transition on Q). Disable is defined as the propagation delay from the 50% point of a positive transition on EN to the 50% point of a
negative transition on Q (or a positive transition on Q).
5. The within-device skew is defined as the worst case difference between any two similar delay paths within a single device.
6. The set-up time is the minimum time that EN must be asserted prior to the next transition of IN/IN to prevent an output response greater than
±75mV to that IN/IN transition (see Figure 1).
7. The hold time is the minimum time that EN must remain asserted after a negative going IN or a positive going IN to prevent an output response
greater than ±75mV to that IN/IN transition (see Figure 2).
8. The release time is the minimum time that EN must be de-asserted prior to the next IN/IN transition to ensure an output response that meets the
specified IN to Q propagation delay and output transition times (see Figure 3).
9. VPP (min) is defined as the minimum input differential voltage which will cause no increase in the propagation delay. The VPP (min) is AC limited
for the E111AE/LE, as a differential input as low as 50mV will still produce full ECL levels at the output.
10. VCMR is defined as the range within the VIH level may vary, with the device still meeting the propagation delay specification. the VIL level must be
such that the peak-to-peak voltage is less than 1.0V and greater than or equal to VPP (min).
For PECL operation: VCMR (max) = VCC – |VCMR (max)| and
VCMR (min) = VCC – |VCMR (min)|