Over-power protection
The AUIR3330S have an internal over-power protection. This feature allows protecting the silicon device and the
application against several critical issues:
The bootstrap capacitor missing.
Abnormal leakage on the bootstrap capacitor.
Abnormal leakage on the power MOSFET gate.
Very low impedance output short circuit.
ED_pch signal
Actif if Vgs > Vth
Vds_075 signal
Actif if Vds < 0.75 V
Igen2 R2
• The time constant Ign1 + C represent the thermal
silicon time constant
• The time constant Ign2 + C represent the thermal
+ OVP_Flt signal
package time constant (T(ign2 + C) < T Slp)
- Go to the latch block
• Igen1 is on if the gate voltage (of the
output MOSFET) is higher than its Vth
• Ign2 is always switching on.
Time to charge the capacitor and latch a fault (Igen1 + C) = 9µs
Time to discharge the capacitor (Igen2 + C) = 11ms
• Sw1 is close if the Vbat – out voltage (Vds)
is lower than 0.75V
When the Output MOSFET gate voltage reaches its output MOSFET Vth value, the current generator Igen1 start
to charge the capacitor C. Then three scenarios are possible:
1. The device turn on properly (Vds < 0.75v) and the capacitor C is discharged by the switch sw1. The device is
ready for the next pulse. It is the normal
In input
Vgs voltage
Normal value
2. The device can not turn on properly (Vds
stay > 0.75v no capacitor reset) and the on
time duration (duty cycle) is enough long to
charge completely the capacitor C. The
comparator detects the fault, stop the
device and latch it. This fault could be reset
by a sleep mode
Vbat – Voutput voltage
Ed_pch signal
C capacitor
11 © 2012 International Rectifier
May 29, 2014