KB3920 Keyboard Controller Datasheet
Ø General Purpose Timer (GPT)
n Two 16-bit, two 8-bit general purpose timers with 32.768KHz resolution
Ø General Purpose Wake-Up (GPWU)
n All General Purpose Input pins can be configured to generate interrupts or
wake-up events
Ø General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
n All outputs can be optionally tri-stated
n All inputs equipped with pull-up, high/low active, edge/level trigger selection
n DAC pins can only be configured as GPO pins (no GPI function embedded)
n ADC pins can only be configured as GPI pins (no GPO function embedded)
Ø Fan Controller (FAN)
n Two fan controllers with tachometer inputs
n Automatic FAN speed control
Ø Power Management
n Sleep State: 8051 Program Counter (PC) stopped
n Deep Sleep State: Stop all internal clocks. Target power consumption ~10uA.
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