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Z8018020FSC Datasheet PDF : 70 Pages
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Enhanced Z180 Microprocessor
/NMI. Non-maskable Interrupt (Input, negative edge trig- TOUT. Timer Out (Output, active High). TOUT is the pulse
gered). /NMI has a higher priority than /INT and is always output from PRT channel 1. This line is multiplexed with
recognized at the end of an instruction, regardless of the A18 of the address bus.
state of the interrupt enable flip-flops. This signal forces
CPU execution to continue at location 0066H.
TXA0, TXA1. Transmit Data 0 and 1 (Outputs, active
High). These signals are the transmitted data from the
/RD. ReOpcoded (Output, active Low, tri-state). /RD indi- ASCI channels. Transmitted data changes are with re-
cated that the CPU wants to read data from memory or an spect to the falling edge of the transmit clock.
I/O device. The addressed I/O or memory device should
use this signal to gate data onto the CPU data bus.
TXS. Clocked Serial Transmit Data (Output, active High).
This line is the transmitted data from the CSIO channel.
/RFSH. Refresh (Output, active Low). Together with
/MREQ, /RFSH indicates that the current CPU machine /WAIT. Wait (Input, active Low). /WAIT indicated to the
cycle and the contents of the address bus should be used MPU that the addressed memory or I/O devices are not
for refresh of dynamic memories. The low order 8 bits of ready for a data transfer. This input is sampled on the fall-
the address bus (A7 - A10) contain the refresh address. ing edge of T2 (and subsequent wait states). If the input is
This signal is analogous to the /REF signal of the sampled Low, then the additional wait states are inserted
until the /WAIT input is sampled high, at which time execu-
tion will continue.
/RTS0. Request to Send 0 (Output, active Low). This is a
programmable modem control signal for ASCI channel 0. /WR. Write (Output, active Low, tri-state). /WR indicated
that the CPU data bus holds valid data to be stored at the
RXA0, RXA1. Receive Data 0 and 1 (Input, active High). addressed I/O or memory location.
These signals are the receive data to the ASCI channels.
XTAL. Crystal (Input, active High). Crystal oscillator con-
RXS. Clocked Serial Receive Data (Input, active High). nection. This pin should be left open if an external clock is
This line is the receiver data for the CSIO channel. RXS is used instead of a crystal. The oscillator input is not a TTL
multiplexed with the /CTS1 signal for ASCI channel 1.
level (reference DC characteristics).
ST. Status (Output, active High). This signal is used with
the /M1 and /HALT output to decode the status of the CPU
machine cycle.
Table 3. Status Summary
ST /HALT /M1 Operation
0 CPU Operation
(1st opcode fetch)
0 CPU Operation (2nd opcode and
3rd Opcode fetch)
1 CPU Operation
(MC except for Opcode fetch)
1 DMA Operation
0 HALT Mode
1 SLEEP Mode
(including SYSTEM STOP Mode)
X = Reserved
MC = Machine Cycle
/TEND0, /TEND1. Transfer End 0 and 1 (Outputs, active
Low). This output is asserted active during the last write
cycle of a DMA operation. It is used to indicate the end of
the block transfer. /TEND0 is multiplexed with CKA1.
TEST. Test (Output, not in DIP version). This pin is for test
and should be left open.
Several pins are used for different conditions, depending
on the circumstance.
Multiplexed Pin Descriptions
A18 / /TOUT
During RESET, this pin is initialized as
A18 pin. If either TOC1 or TOC0 bit of
the Timer Control Register (TCR) is set
to 1, TOUT function is selected. If
TOC1 and TOC0 are cleared to 0, A18
function is selected.
During RESET, this pin is initialized as
CKA0 pin. If either DM1 or SM1 in
DMA Mode Register (DMODE) is set to
1, /DREQ0 function is always selected.
During RESET, this pin is initialized as
CKA1 pin. If CKA1D bit in ASCI control
register ch1 (CNTLA1) is set to 1,
/TEND0 function is selected. If CKA1D
bit is set to 0, CKA1 function is
During RESET, this pin is initialized as
RXS pin. If CTS1E bit in ASCI status
register ch1 (STAT1) is set to 1, /CTS1
function is selected. If CTS1E bit is set
to 0, RXS function is selected.

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