The LTC2645 is a family of quad PWM input, voltage output
DACs in a 16-lead MSOP package. The part measures the
pulse width and period of the PWM inputs and updates
each DAC output after the corresponding PWM input
rising edge. Each DAC can operate rail-to-rail using an
external reference, or with a 2.5V full-scale voltage using
an integrated reference. Three resolutions (12-, 10-, and
8-bit) are available.
PWM-to-Voltage Conversion
The LTC2645 converts a PWM input to an accurate, stable,
buffered voltage without the latency, slow settling, and high-
value passive components required for discrete solutions.
The PWM input pins (INX) accept frequencies from 30Hz
up to 6.25kHz (12-bit), 25kHz (10-bit), or 100kHz (8-bit).
The duty cycle is calculated after each PWM input rising
edge based upon the previous high and low pulse width.
The resulting digital DAC code k is calculated as:
k = 2N • tPWHX / tPERX
where tPWHX is the pulse width of the preceding INX period
and tPERX is the time between the two most recent INX
rising edges. The digital-to-analog transfer function is:
where N is the resolution, VREF is 2.5V for internal reference
mode or the REF pin voltage for external reference mode.
DAC Update Timing
The update for DAC output VOUTX occurs following each
rising edge input on INX (Figure 1a). Delay tS is the delay
from an INX rising edge to the VOUTX settled output voltage
corresponding to the previous period’s duty cycle. Delay
tS is composed of the computational cycle delay (t4) and
the actual settling of the output DAC. The PWM-to-binary,
internal computational cycle begins immediately following
the INX rising edge. The computational cycle is completed
after delay t4 and the DAC output VOUTX is updated. The
DAC output typically settles to 12-bit accuracy within 8µs
from the INX rising edge.
PWM Input Idle Mode Selection
When no PWM input rising edge is received for more than
the idle mode timeout delay t3 (nominal delay is 60ms),
the DAC output enters an idle mode state which can be
configured by connecting IDLSEL to GND or VCC accord-
ing to Table 1 below. Note that these pins also control the
initial state of the DACs after power-on reset.
Table 1. Power-On Reset and Idle Mode States
Power-On Reset
INX Idle Low
Power-Down Hi-Z Power-Down Hi-Z
INX Idle Hi
Transparent Operation
For applications in which the PWM input duty cycle may
be 0% or 100%, connect IDLSEL to GND to select trans-
parent operation, in which case an idle low input sets the
DAC to zero-scale or an idle high input sets the DAC to
full-scale. Figure 1c illustrates the timing for transparent
operation. Any pair of PWM input rising edges separated
by less than the idle mode timeout delay t3 (50ms mini-
mum) will cause the DAC code to be updated following
the second rising edge. Note that an idle high input state
may be followed by an idle low input state.
Sample/Hold Operation
The LTC2645 has the capability to sample the pulse-
width/period and hold the corresponding voltage level
indefinitely. Unlike analog filter implementations which
require the PWM input to run continuously, the LTC2645
may operate with a discontinuous PWM input. Connect
IDLSEL to VCC to select sample/hold operation, in which a
single pair of rising edges is sufficient to update the DAC,
and the DAC code retains its previous value when the PWM
input idles high. Figure 1b illustrates correct timing for
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