Production Data
1. Signal-to-noise ratio (dB) - SNR is a measure of the difference in level between the full scale output and the output
with no signal applied. (No ‘Auto-zero’ or Automute function is employed in achieving these results).
2. Dynamic range (dB) - DNR is a measure of the difference between the highest and lowest portions of a signal.
Normally a THD+N measurement at 60dB below full scale. The measured signal is then corrected by adding the 60dB
to it. (e.g. THD+N @ -60dB= -32dB, DR= 92dB).
3. THD+N (dB) - THD+N is a ratio, of the r.m.s. values, of (Noise + Distortion)/Signal.
4. Stop band attenuation (dB) - Is the degree to which the frequency spectrum is attenuated (outside audio band).
5. Channel Separation (dB) - Also known as Cross-Talk. This is a measure of the amount one channel is isolated from
the other. Normally measured by sending a full scale signal down one channel and measuring the other.
6. Pass-Band Ripple - Any variation of the frequency response in the pass-band region.
PD Rev 4.3 November 2004