Preliminary W78E52B
2. PORT4
Another bit-addressable port P4 is also available and only 4 bits (P4<3:0>) can be used. This port
address is located at 0D8H with the same function as that of port P1, except the P4.3 and P4.2 are
alternative function pins. It can be used as general I/O pins or external interrupt input sources (INT2 ,
INT3 ).
P4, #0AH ; Output data "A" through P4.0−P4.3.
A, P4
; Read P4 status to Accumulator.
; Set bit P4.0
; Clear bit P4.1
3. Reduce EMI Emission
Because of on-chip MTP-ROM, when a program is running in internal ROM space, the ALE will be
unused. The transition of ALE will cause noise, so it can be turned off to reduce the EMI emission if it
is useless. Turning off the ALE signal transition only requires setting the bit 0 of the AUXR SFR,
which is located at 08Eh. When ALE is turned off, it will be reactivated when the program accesses
external ROM/RAM data or jumps to execute an external ROM code. The ALE signal will turn off
again after it has been completely accessed or the program returns to internal ROM code space. The
AO bit in the AUXR register, when set, disables the ALE output. In order to reduce EMI emission from
oscillation circuitry, W78E52B allows user to diminish the gain of on-chip oscillator amplifiers by using
programmer to clear the B7 bit of security register. Once B7 is set to 0, a half of gain will be
decreased. Care must be taken if user attempts to diminish the gain of oscillator amplifier, reducing a
half of gain may affect the external crystal operating improperly at high frequency above 24MHz. The
value of R and C1,C2 may need some adjustment while running at lower gain.
***AUXR - Auxiliary register (8EH)
AO: Turn off ALE output.
4. Power-off Flag
***PCON - Power control (87H)
Power off flag. Bit is set by hardware when power on reset. It can be cleared by software
to determine chip reset is a warm boot or cold boot.
GF1, GF0: These two bits are general-purpose flag bits for the user.
Power down mode bit. Set it to enter power down mode.
Idle mode bit. Set it to enter idle mode.