The Western Design Center, Inc.
W65C02S Data Sheet
The W65C02S is a low power cost sensitive 8-bit microprocessor. The W65C02S is a fully static core and the PHI2 clock
can be stopped when it is in the high (logic 1) or low (logic 0) state. The variable length instruction set and manually
optimized core size makes the W65C02S an excellent choice for low power System-on-Chip (SoC) designs. The Verilog
RTL model is available for ASIC design flows. WDC, a Fabless Semiconductor Company, provides packaged chips for
evaluation or volume production. To aid in system development, WDC provides a Development System that includes a
W65C02DB Developer Board, an In-Circuit Emulator (ICE) and the W65cSDS Software Development System, see for more information.
1.1 Features of the W65C02S
• 8-bit data bus
• 16-bit address bus provides access to 65,536 bytes of memory space
• 8-bit ALU, Accumulator, Stack Pointer, Index Registers, Processor Status Register
• 16-bit Program Counter
• 69 instructions
• 16 addressing modes
• 212 Operation Codes (OpCodes)
• Vector Pull (VPB) output indicates when interrupt vectors are being addressed
• WAit-for-Interrupt (WAI) and SToP (STP) instructions reduce power consumption, decrease interrupt latency and
provide synchronization with external events
• Variable length instruction set provides for lower power and smaller code optimization over fixed length instruction
set processors
• Fully static circuitry
• Wide operating voltage range, 1.8+/- 5%, 2.5+/- 5%, 3.0+/- 5%, 3.3+/ - 10%, 5.0+/- 5% specified
• Low Power consumption, 150uA@1MHz
The Western Design Center, Inc.
W65C02S Data Sheet