Defect Categorisation
Couplet definition
A failing pixel at X with a failing pixel at position [0] or [1] or [2] or [3] or [4] or [5] or [6] or [7] such that
there is a maximum of 2 failing pixels from the group of 9 pixels illustrated in Figure 33 is described
as a couplet fail. The example shown on the right in Figure 33 has failing pixels at the centre
location and at position [7].
Figure 33: General couplet examples
[0] [1] [2]
[7] X [3]
[6] [5] [4]
[0] [1] [2]
X X [3]
[6] [5] [4]
The basic couplet definition is further subdivided into minor and major couplets. With respect to the
example in Figure 33, a minor couplet is defined as a defect pixel pair where one pixel can be an
extreme fail, that is a “stuck at black” or “stuck at white”, but the second pixel in the pair must differ
from the local pixel average by less than 15% of that average value. If the second pixel in the couplet
differs by more than 15% of the local pixel average value then this would be defined as a major
Note that the test program considers a couplet as 2 independent pixels. If the test identifies two
independent pixel fails (pixels that differ by more than 15% from pixel average of neighbors) that
form a couplet with 2 minor pixel fails within the inner area, the device fails the test and is rejected.
If however the test identifies 2 couplets where the pixels span the border between the inner and
outer areas and where only one of the pixels in the inner area is determined as a major fail and the
other a minor fail, then this device passes the test.
Cluster definition
We define a cluster fail as a failing pixel with at least two adjacent failing pixels. In the example from
Figure 34, there are additional pixel fails in positions [0] and [7]. This example constitutes a cluster.
A sensor containing a cluster is always rejected.
Figure 34: Cluster example
[X] [1] [2]
[X] X [3]
[6] [5] [4]
8.5 Summary pass criteria
Table 25: Sensor pixel defect pass criteria
Single pixel fails
Minor Coupleta
Major Coupletb
1 (2)
a. Test program will allow maximum of one minor couplet in inner zone of pixel array.
Test program will allow maximum of two minor couplets in outer zone of pixel array.
b. No major couplet allowed.